Monday, September 15, 2014

Brighten your Monday

Hello lovely human beings. It's Monday and sometimes that means dreading the upcoming week, but today is not the case. Today is a new opportunity for a fresh start. Make your Monday more optimistic starting with these simple little pick me ups.

Blast your favorite song on your way to work or school.
     One of these feel good songs should work perfectly, too.
     Pumpkin Blood By: NONONO
     Simple Life By: Casey Abrams 
      You & I By: Ingrid Michealson 
     It's A Beautiful Day By: Micheal Bulbé
Start your day by going on a walk or jog outside to open
     your mind to the new possibilities of the week.
     They are endless.
Give a stranger a genuine compliment.
    Everyone could use an unexpected smile.
Eat a macaroon. Or enjoy a cupcake.
Call somebody you love and tell them.


Hopefully these make some of you smile today. Thanks for reading!

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." -Albert Einstein  

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