Saturday, December 13, 2014

Looking Back

This morning I woke up, made hazelnut coffee, and started writing my morning thoughts in my journal. I thought I'd share them.
I'm officially finished with my first semester of college classes after I take my two finals this week. The past four months have been quite the adventure and have shaped me more than I could've ever imagined. Moving away from my family, my hometown-from everything I've ever been used to has been the biggest change in my life thus far. I don't regret one second of it. There's no doubt I have questioned everything, cried, and experienced new feelings, but the knowledge I've learned is irreplaceable. Each and every day I discover more of who I am and the person I would like to be. Not only have I learned an abundance of information from my courses this semester, I have learned lessons that life teaches you...from having a dead car battery, experiencing a flat tire, insane traffic causing you to have complete road rage, making new friends, living with 3 strangers the first few days, dealing with homesickness, handling money, and ultimately laughing at things you can't control. My goals have changed and my perspective has been altered. I have made a life long friend who I'm more than grateful to have here. Sticking this decision out has been a pretty good decision.
I'm excited for what is to come, where I end up, and who I become.

"To live would be an awfully great adventure." -Peter Pan 

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