Tuesday, January 12, 2016


Today marks the day I have spent 20 years on this Earth. 20. An age, a number, a word that honestly makes my stomach sink.
Wasn't it just yesterday I was painting pottery for my 10th birthday, watching Grease for my 50's themed 9th birthday, in a limo celebrating my 13 going on 30 birthday party? Or how could I forget my 6th birthday where all of the girls in my kindergarten class came over and we dressed up in costumes and had a tea party...

Everything feels like a different lifetime ago. Somehow, everything feels like yesterday.
When I was younger, I would look at twenty year olds and think about how they were adults. I would look up to them and think they had their lives all figured out, knew exactly who they were, and had all the friends and the fun they needed. Spoiler: that's not how it is. I woke up this morning and I didn't feel different or older or didn't get hit by some magical realization. I'm figuring out who I am, I have more questions than answers, I do not have it all together (or anything for that matter).

But, I'm another year older. It's a whole new chapter. The twenties are said to bring excitement, adventure, love, and mystery. It's my second day of classes at USC, it's my 5th day living in actual LA, and it's my first birthday away from my family and home. My heart is completely full of gratitude and love. Here's to growing as a person, here's to trying everything, here's to living fearlessly.
Here's to 20.

20 little life lessons from me to you:
1. Never compare yourself to others.
2. Mom is the ultimate best friend.
3. My little brother is cooler than I'll ever be (and he'll always be my little brother)
4. You don't have to have it all figured out.
5. Do what you love.
6. Hug your dad tightly and watch football with him.
7. Don't ever ever ever settle.
8. It's okay to stay home and read your book if that's what you feel like doing.
9. It's also okay to go out with your best friends and have a good fucking time.
10. Family is everything.
11. Dance around your room in your underwear.
12. Think, but don't overthink.
13. Look up at the sky, the clouds, the moon, and the stars. No matter where you are in the world these are always there.
14. Time moves faster than you realize.
15. Mom is always right, and you can trust her with anything. Call her.
16. Say yes to new adventures.
17. Love yourself.
18. Smile at other people.
19. It's okay to be scared. Don't let that hold you back, let it drive you.
20. Create a life you absolutely love.

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