Friday, August 1, 2014

Coffee Shop Mornings

Something about being alone in a coffee shop is so intriguing. You get to people watch and think whatever you’d like about everything. Everyone is living their own story at this exact moment here, whether they are dressed up to go to work, just rolled out of bed, chatting with a friend, absorbed in a book….it’s awesome. Wait, do you ever wonder what you’re suppose to do when you’re working in a coffee shop and really have to pee? This is me right now. Does anybody know the answer to this?? I really don’t want to leave my laptop and food just sitting here...
The past week I’ve had crazy amounts of inspiration for new projects and posts soon to come! I’d just like to say that you shouldn’t compare yourself to other people but instead become the best person you can be. Comparing yourself to others just leads to negative thoughts about yourself but actually nobody in the world is like you. You have an amazing set of talents, thoughts, and characteristics that no one shares, which can be turned into something beautiful. Find what you love to do and put 100% into your dreams. Go after your passions, fall in love with them, let them steer you. If things don't go exactly according to plan, you tried and you’ll eventually end up where you are suppose to be at. Rid your mind of fear as well as negative thoughts, surprising things can happen. 
Enjoy your Friday as much as possible! 
If you have suggestions for upcoming posts definitely email/tweet/instagram me! 

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