Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Life Lately; A Golden Weekend

Life is moving at a rapid pace and every time I look at the date it's hard to believe it's November. A month left of my first semester of college seems pretty crazy. It's time to study hard and give it my all up until finals are over and then... I'm home for the holidays! The cooler air and darker evenings are definitely getting me excited-and not to mention holiday coffee drinks, Christmas decorations already out while shopping, and knee high socks with each outfit.
This past weekend of mine was spent in many different cities of California. I had the opportunity to stay at a beach house with students from my school in Oxnard; we spent the day building up our teamwork, leadership and communication skills with activities on the beach. I must admit, falling asleep to the sound of waves was one of the best parts.
On Sunday, my mom, aunt, and I headed down to Balboa Island. Balboa is a quaint and gorgeous town that we all adore. Modeology, a boutique on the main street sells Wildfox Couture and other adorable brands. It's one of the cutest shops down there! I'd definitely suggest checking it out if you're ever down in Balboa. After strolling around eating ice cream cones and buying gifts, our next destination was Huntington Beach. Something about Huntington will always feel close to home for me. It's familiar and I've been going there since I was a little kid. Just simply people watching, checking out everyone's individual style in HB is why it's so great. Watching the sunset with our toes in the sand while eating french fries was a perfect ending to the day.
After my graphic design class on Monday, a spontaneous day trip was ahead...Santa Barbara. Downtown Santa Barbara is full of culture and shops. One of our favorite stores we came across here was called, "Plum Goods." It's a gift store full of unique and hand-crafted candles, cards, jewelry, bags, magnets, and books. We bought a traveling/backpacking mouse ornament which may be the cutest thing ever (his name is Hank). The foggy weather all day long and spending time with my mom put me in the best mood. Before having to drive to the airport, we made a quick trip about 30 minutes out of SB to a town called, "Solvang." It's a Danish Village and totally felt like a foreign land, it's a slow paced town with old architecture.

I feel lucky to have had an adventurous weekend! I'm really trying to focus on living in the present moment. It's hard at times to get caught up in thinking about the past; the good and even the bad memories with the particular longing to go back to those times. The future, where we hope everything will turn out how we envision it. What we all know, is that we have now. This exact moment in time to live our lives. Take in every second and be present in each moment. Spend your time with the people who make you the happiest. 

"The world is so much larger than I thought. I thought we went along paths- but it seems there are no paths. The going itself is the path." -C.S. Lewis 

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