Thursday, November 27, 2014


Endless amounts of delicious food and all of my family together, it's no wonder today is my favorite holiday. I'm currently watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade getting ready to make some homemade pies then head over to my aunt's house!
Today is a day to appreciate and give thanks for all that we have. I'm beyond thankful for my family. My family is everything to me; I often think how I'm blessed with the best people by my side. From laughs to tears we are always there for one another. Today, really take in the time spent with your loved ones. Turn your phone off and live present in the moment. Eat as much as humanly possible, laugh until tears are streaming down your face, go back for thirds (or fourths), and think of all of the lovely things to be thankful for in your life. Happy Thanksgiving! 

(photo from Pinterest) 

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