Saturday, January 10, 2015

Smile a Little Brighter

There has been an overwhelmingly amount of negative news lately. As much bad that is happening around the world, I know that there is still good. I'm keeping those in need in my thoughts. People come together when tragedy strikes and that alone is powerful enough to make tremendous changes. Hearing bad news makes me want to fix everything for everybody, to make it all right, to rewind time, to stop all the bad...but unfortunately I cannot do that. Nobody can. What everybody is capable of doing is being nicer and kinder to each other. I currently have a "Pay it Forward" status that was shared to me on Facebook, which has inspired me to share some ways of kindness on here. It's easy to take one second of your time to completely make somebody's day. Be cautious of your interactions with others and be kind. It's always possible to be kind.

Smile at everybody you see today
Pay for the person behind you at a coffee shop 
Call 3 people you love and tell them 
Try not to say anything negative or complain all day 
Buy a homeless person a meal 
Surprise someone with flowers 
Make uplifting cards with a group of friends and deliver them to a hospital 
Deliver baked goods to your neighbors
Leave a positive note in a public place (restaurant, bus, restroom, etc...)

There's lots of quotes about kindness so I'm sharing three at the end of this post instead of just one.

"When words are both true and kind they can change the world." -Buddha 

"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." -Maya Angelou 

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." -Plato

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