Thursday, July 2, 2015

Latest Loves: SUMMER

Vosges Super Dark + matcha green tea
THIS CHOCOLATE IS GOOD FOR YOU. I apologize for screaming but this is my favorite chocolate bar and it just so happens to contain all natural ingredients + super foods. Spirulina is a super food that has health benefits (heart health, detoxification...) and contains 334% more protein than beef and 556% more protein than tofu (thank you back of the chocolate bar for this information). Whoah. Sneak some spirulina into your diet by eating chocolate, sounds good to me. For all you vegans, gluten free-e's, and general chocolate lovers, pick up one of these treats from Cost Plus World Market or Whole Foods

Nana Ice Cream
Who actually knew how sweet bananas are?! Loving this extremely simple, extremely healthy, and extremely delicious way to eat bananas. Blend at least 2 frozen bananas together, scoop into a bowl/teacup, and enjoy. There's always room for toppings such as granola, cacao nibs, Justin's nut butters, or fruit. I tend to eat this just plain though because it is just that good.

Natural hair & makeup
It's summertime baby! Nobody wants to be wearing loads of makeup in this heat, at least I know I don't. Keep it natural and light, you don't need a ton of makeup I promise. I don't remember the last time I've actually done my hair this summer. After I shower I scrunch it up so my natural waves come out to play. Spray a little bit of Beach Spray into it and let it air dry. Love the look this product gives my hair. A tip if you want to add some more natural wave to your hair is to french braid damp hair and then take it out after about an hour or so.

Rompers are just really great. You aren't really wearing pants, but it's not like wearing a skirt or shorts really either. Slipping a romper on during the summertime keeps you cool. Rompers can be worn casually (a pool or beach day, out shopping, running errands). Dress a romper up with heels or wedges, a statement necklace, or a high slicked back pony for a more formal occasion. The only downside about rompers is when you have to pee...

Bad Blood: Taylor Swift
I'm Alive (Life Sounds Like): Micheal Franti & Spearhead
The Wild Life: Vacationer
Wilder Mind: Mumford & Sons
Keep Together: Hunter Hunted
Got It: Marian Hill

This and that
Windowsill succulents
Sucker for succulents, all about it. My windowsill is filled with tiny little plants, succulents. They only have to be watered once a week. These little babies make me happy and having them in my bedroom livens it up. You can find succulents at your local grocery store or most farmer's markets!

Instagram Account: @dallasclayton 
I discovered @dallasclayton on the popular page of instagram and couldn't take my eyes off of everything he's posted. Follow him for daily inspiration, the most adorable doodles, and a little way to brighten your day.

Video- Jack's Gap: What Do You Believe In? 
Jack's Gap is an incredible youtube channel with outstanding videos. This one really stuck out to me and was posted just a few days ago. I love how this video shows that no matter how different we all are, where in the world we live, or what we believe in, we have things in common and want goodness and happiness on this Earth. Check it out.

"Why want and yearn and struggle when the now contains all one could ever wish for and more?" -Thomas R. Kelly

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