Friday, August 7, 2015

Pancakes for Dinner

Sometimes, actually often, I write a sentence and crack up to myself because I think it's hilarious but then I realize probably 0% of people would laugh at it. Then, I start to laugh harder as I slowly delete what random nonsense I have written. Fun little fact about me since that just happened. I'm not exactly sure what this post is going to consist of but I feel a post is necessary. I feel like writing. So that leaves me here- cozied up in bed, eating dark chocolate peanut butter cups from Trader Joe's (a gift sent from above) on this Friday night.

Do you know how incredible life is? Like, really. You think about it, and then you think about life even deeper (sometimes to a scary extent) and you start to feel small. You realize this life you are living is yours...out of all of the people who are living on this planet and have ever existed, you are here now. You can choose to do whatever you want. There are no deadlines, only your wildest dreams.
In the past three weeks, my life has done a 180 from what I initially expected to be doing during the fall semester. I've made up my mind about a couple of things: 1) stop planning every little detail out of what I want to do and what I am doing, 2) start taking the opportunities that present themselves, 3) stop pressuring myself with deadlines that I am creating-not necessary, 4) do what I love and lots of it. Start living this life the way I want to.
Each day I swear to you I fall more in love with life. Whether I wake up to the sun-rays shining across my NYC poster, notice the baby quails that run across our neighborhood following their momma, or looking at my little brother and realizing how grown up, handsome, and mature he is now. I don't know, I just think we should be grateful for life every day. The little things, the big things, the details, dreams, memories, our accomplishments, and failures, and where we are now.

On another note, tonight after thinking about what I felt like having for dinner, I decided on pancakes. I found a banana blueberry pancake recipe on pinterest (vegan too!) and gave it a whirl. They were pretty darn good, better than I thought I could make, so I will share the recipe below. Did you know if you microwave a handful of blueberries for 30 seconds topped with a tiny bit of maple syrup, it turns into this amazing blueberry syrupy deliciousness? Try it, you'll thank me (actually thank the maker of this recipe I found) ----- Blueberry Banana Pancakes

If you've stuck around reading this whole post, you're pretty cool-thanks for reading my ramblings.
Oh yes! And if anybody has traveled to DC or is from there, I'd love to hear anything about the city. Food suggestions, must-see's, attire, the people, advice, anything! I will be there this fall and am more than excited to explore.
Peace out.
"Happiness is letting go of what you think your life is supposed to look like & celebrating it for everything that it is." -Mandy Hale

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