Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Latest Loves

It's cloudy, rainy, and humid outside at the moment, which gives me just another excuse to write and stare out at the city from my window. I have my chocolate babka bread from Dean & Deluca and a warm cup of tea sitting next to me, so content. Did you guys see the Supermoon on Sunday? How crazy that it won't happen again until 2033, and hadn't happened since the 80's! I looked up at the red tinted moon and suddenly felt very connected. Connected to the Earth, to the universe, to life. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and smiled because it's damn good to be alive at this time.

Here is a look at what I am loving lately:
Sweet Potatoes. I'm thinking I could eat sweet potatoes every single day and not get tired of them. They are seriously the easiest thing to cook. All I do is stab them with a fork about 5 times, stick in the oven at 420 degrees for about 45 minutes, and there you have it. Cinnamon on sweet potatoes, yuuuum. Stuffed sweet potatoes. Sweet potato fries. Sweet, sweet potatoes.

Ted Talks. Since I walk to work now, I have found myself listening to podcasts almost every morning. Ted Talks is one of my favorites because they discuss such a wide variety of topics. You are educating yourself and it's a form of entertainment while listening!

H&M. Alright, let's just be honest and admit I've never understood the whole shopping at H&M thing. I never went in the store (maybe twice?) and didn't understand why so many people loved it. But, things have changed and H&M is one of my favorite stores, I get it now. They have SO much stuff that is great quality at available at an extremely affordable price. I bought all of my business clothes for my internship here. Every time I walk past an H&M now, I can't help but wander inside and see all of the new things they have out. Plus, they have awesome diverse advertising. I just bought a fall dress over the weekend for $15 that has an amazing combination of fall colors ranging from dark blues to a golden yellow. OH and H&M has a home collection? Who knew?! Not me, but I am diggin' it.

Book stores. A never ending love for book stores. Today, it's unfortunate they are harder to stumble upon because of technology and other ways to access books. Support your local bookstores! We don't want to lose these precious sanctuaries filled with knowledge of all sorts. In Dupont Circle, there is the loveliest book shop called "Kramer's". It's filled floor to ceiling with stacks of books, categorized based on the topic. In the back there is a cafe, which leads to an outdoor patio to eat and mingle. Book stores are a place to spend hours and get lost in a different world. Currently reading Hilary Clinton's "Hard Choices", so I'll let you know how it is!

Karlie Kloss's Youtube Channel, KLOSSY. How much cooler can Karlie Kloss get? She's a supermodel, goes to NYU, inspires girls to code, and now, just to add to her list of outstanding accomplishments, has started a youtube channel for an inside look at her world. She posts videos of her traveling, opening the Diane Von Furstenberg Fashion Week Show, answering Twitter questions, and even just her thoughts. Karlie is an inspiration and role model to young girls, as well as myself. She lives a healthy, active, and positive lifestyle, always with a smile on her face. You go Karlie, and never stop.

Hasley's Badlands Album. I first listened to this album 20,000 feet in the air on a plane. Her voice is crazy good, and her music has such a good vibe. If you are into Lorde, I think you'll definitely love Hasley. https://www.youtube.com/user/HalseyVEVO

Creative Artisan Stands. Discovering unique handmade jewelry, signs, crafts, clothes, totes, always intrigues me. I have to stop if I see a stand that is selling something you normally don't see everyday. Appreciate creativity. Tell others that their arts and creations inspire and mean something to you, when it does. These signs had all kinds of sayings on them, and the lady was sitting there hand painting her next one as she was selling them. Rad inspiration.

Girl Power. I'm loving girl power lately? Yes, I totally am. Support each other, be nice to each other, be friends to each other. We are at a time when girls need to stand together. Always. Don't say mean things, say nice, empowering, positive things! Women are running for president, models are supporting one another, we are making world changes, community changes, we are raising awareness for our problems and concerns. Let's stick together, ladies. And guys...join in, too.  XO

"Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking." -Marcus Aurelius

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