Sunday, October 4, 2015

This Life I Am Living // D.C.

Four weeks ago, I had never in my life been to Washington, D.C. Yet, I found myself on a plane with three stuffed suitcases ready to live in this city for three months.
And that's what I love about life. 

I crave this. I crave adventure, new places, new experiences. Sometimes it's strange how life works out, or how unexpectedly certain things happen. Things connect, change, interrupt one another. But I truly believe everything happens for a reason. A year ago, I honestly wasn't happy at all with where I was at and I knew I had to change that. So, I did and it has worked out for the best with some twists and turns along the way. I am completely loving my time here in D.C. This city is lively, active, and beautiful. I'm currently interning for a senator full time, feeling more than lucky for this opportunity every day.

Walking through the Capitol passing senators, going down to the senate basement for an afternoon cup of coffee, being in awe at the history of the building and the great leaders who have all walked these halls..the list goes on. Thoughts that go through my mind, "what am I doing here?!", "how did I end up here?", "am I really supposed to be here at this moment?" 

I am living in a modern apartment with 6 roommates who are all interns. We have the coolest balcony that wraps around our unit and my bed looks out at the Capitol building. I walk to work every day, passing 2 elementary schools, a quaint coffee shop (that I find myself at often), and tall vibrant trees. I pass security guards and police officers with a smile and a good morning greeting. D.C. is a city...but it's GREEN surrounded by gorgeous nature. One of my other favorite parts about this place is the architecture. Nothing like on the west coast. There are brick buildings, homes with front porches, buildings with rich history and stories.

While attempting to do as much of the touristy activities as possible, I'm also trying to live like a local, finding the best brunch spots and shops around town. D.C. is categorized into different neighborhoods; Georgetown, Adams Morgan, Dupont, and the Hill, to name a few. Georgetown is lovely, with a European vibe that has some of the best shopping, cupcake shops, and glistening waterfront. I love spending a Saturday or Sunday here, strolling the streets, popping into a small cafe or such. 

I've learned...
It's okay to do things alone. To explore on your own. To wander. To get lost. To end up on a street you haven't been on. To stare out a coffee shop window with a latte in hand. Exploring and wandering through museums. You learn a lot from going places on your own, what you like and a little bit more of who you are. Embrace independence and never let being by yourself stop you from doing what you want to do. 
No matter where you travel, you will always miss someone. It's the truth and I have come to realize this. It shouldn't stop us. It should inspire us to share our stories and photographs and experiences with our loved ones! Everyone in my family is beyond supportive and I have endless amounts of love and gratefulness for each of them. I miss them every day but I love to send them photos of where I am and what I have been up to. 
Learning by experience is by far the greatest. Instead of cramming my brain for a test, I am reading to learn. I am doing tasks-real life activities-absorbing all the information because I choose to. I'm learning more than ever before.

Never would have I thought to have these experiences thus far. I'm getting accustomed to this place and way of life, not realizing I'm 3,000 miles from home until I look at the map. Each day a bit more confidence comes my way, while getting on the metro or the bus and deciding to head to a new place. 

I encourage you to go, travel, do what you want and take opportunities every chance possible.

"I am always doing what I cannot do yet, in order to learn how to do it." -Vincent Van Gogh 

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