Monday, October 20, 2014

Malibu Cafe

Because I have a complete obsession with restaurants/cafes, I'm adding a new section to my blog called, "Eats". This will feature restaurants I stumble upon and include photos with a little description!
It was family weekend at my school so I'm beyond happy to have gotten to spend time with my family. On Sunday morning we had a perfect brunch at Malibu Cafe. Let me just tell you, I fell in love with this place. It's located in the hills of Malibu at Calamingos Ranch and is much more than a restaurant. Once you enter, there is a place called "Lake Love" where you can rent a paddle boat to have a picnic at sunset with your love. How adorable?! Jumbo jenga, life-size chess, a bean bag toss, a boutique, a wine stand... Malibu Cafe is for just about anybody and any occasion. There were families, a baby's first birthday celebration, and groups of friends enjoying the gorgeous day outside. The food lived up to all of our expectations, and the menu changes for brunch, lunch, and dinner. I highly recommend the Banana Bread French Toast for the table as a kind of brunch dessert. Heavenly! If you are EVER in the area of Malibu- you don't want to miss out on this place! Oh, and ENDLESS opportunities for photo opps. Check out these photos.

Thanks for reading and enjoy your week! 

"Around us, life bursts with miracles- a glass of water, a ray of sunshine, a leaf, a caterpillar, a flower, laughter, raindrops. If you live in awareness, it is easy to see miracles everywhere." -Thich Nhat Hanh

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