Sunday, March 8, 2015

Happy, Happy, Sunday

I spent this morning at a local farmer's market and then headed to Sunlife Organics for a healthy shake/smoothie. College can get a bit stressful and overwhelming at times, so it's nice to take a little time and do simple things that brighten my day. Farmer's Markets are full of wonderful inspiration; from the organic and fresh food, to the bright colors, to friendly local venders, it's a blissful place to spend an hour or so. I've come up with a list of things to do to make the most of any day, but specifically weekends. These are just such simple ways to not waste the day away, even if you have nothing going on.
It's time for me to study for my French exam that's tomorrow and prepare for the upcoming week. I'm completely looking forward to these next few days! Big things are happening and I can't wait to create a few different posts about it. Happy Sunday and sending out good energy to all for a positive and creative week. xx

Making the most of your day: 
Wake up early. This is probably easier said than done for some of us, especially because I'm a total morning person. The morning's are such a lovely time. It's quiet, the world seems to be calm and all is good. Waking up early makes your day longer and you'll be feeling more energized as opposed to waking up at noon. Don't check your phone until an hour after you wake up. It can wait, your brain is just now starting the day and doesn't need to be overwhelmed with tons of information on a bright little screen!

Drink water. The benefits of drinking water in the morning are endless. Just to name a few: it boosts your metabolism, is good for your skin, and reduces the risk of diseases. Add a lemon for flavor and even more benefits! I love drinking a cup of hot green tea in the morning, as well.

Stretch a little, do a little yoga, dance around! Today is going to be a good day. Clear your head, take deep breaths, close your eyes. There are some short yoga videos on youtube that are simple for anyone to practice.

Write down a list of everything you want to get done throughout the day. I like writing these things down because I can check off all I accomplished by the end of the day. (tasks, small goals, self goals, errands, homework...)

Make a delicious breakfast. Smoothie bowl, glass of orange juice, fruit and granola, oatmeal loaded with toppings, healthy pancakes...go for it.

Exercise. You can make excuses or you can get up and do it. I must admit, exercising makes me feel a million times better in almost every sense. My mind, my body, my energy, my thoughts... Whether it's going on a hike, taking a class, or hitting the gym, exercising improves my mood and I leave feeling motivated.

Do what makes you happy. Whether it's reading a little bit of that book you want to finish, writing down your creative thoughts, going on a walk, or buying something small that simply makes you smile (for me it's little succulents, green juice, and some flowers) it's definitely worth it.

Clean. Why does life seem better when you have a clean room? It takes at the most 10 minutes to straighten your place up and get it smelling wonderful, either with fresh flowers or a nice little air freshener. You can move on with your life after you clean up and come back to a nice little area to relax!

Explore. Do you have nothing major going on today? Do something you normally wouldn't do! Yelp is one of my favorite apps to find local restaurants and shops, it's very useful for just about anything.

Yesterday's hike!

"Eat like you love yourself. Move like you love yourself. Speak like you love yourself. Act like you love yourself." 

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