Wednesday, May 20, 2015

G O O D morning

The start to your day, the energy you choose for the next 12 or so hours, new possibilities. It's true, I am a lover of mornings. You choose how you start your day, what you do and what you think when you wake in the morning is all up to you. Yesterday, I had a lovely morning; I woke up and chose to do a few of my favorite things which always leaves me with positive energy for the rest of the day.
My alarm is generally set for 8:30 A.M. if I have no specific plans, but I almost always wake up before then. I laced up my Nike's and went on a jog around my community. Working out first thing is just what my body prefers. It's great to get up and do it before having to think too much or getting too busy or losing any motivation. After my jog I completed about a 15 minute ab workout routine plus pushups and lunges. Whew! This left me feeling good and ready to EAT! I headed home to make a scrumptious breakfast. Smoothie bowl + KIND bar it was.
Strawberry Banana Smoothie Bowl
Blend: 2 frozen bananas
            1/2 cup frozen strawberries
            1 scoop of Vega Vanilla Protein Powder
            Splash of water (so it can all blend a little easier)
Top: Strawberries/Bananas
        1 tablespoon pumpkin seeds
         Scoop of almond butter
I poured my smoothie in a teacup and enjoyed it as I wrote a bit in my journal and read. I'm currently reading "The Four Agreements." I just started it and would already recommend this book to you-can't wait to finish and share more about it. So this is a look at how my morning went before I headed to work. This is one way I love to spend my morning and it might be completely different for others- but do something you love to start your day. You'll know you did something to make yourself feel good and that's really important.
P.S. Listen to the Spotify station "Have a Great Day!" when you're getting ready.

"Let us read and let us dance; these two amusements will never do any harm to the world." -Voltaire

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