Saturday, May 2, 2015

Jumbled Thoughts // Spreading Love

As I drove down the 101, I could not take my eyes off the vibrant, dreamy sky. The sun was setting and the clouds turned shades of cotton candy pink as they stretched to each end of the horizon. Staring at this natural beauty, I continued driving in awe thinking about how unbelievable this life is. To be alive at this moment in time-a time when our world is changing, minds are opening, love and acceptance is spreading-and being able to experience it all with such beautiful, kind souls.

I had just had an eventful, once in a lifetime day and driving home in this moment left me with an overwhelming sense of joy and feeling blessed. Moments like this one are my favorite. I love unexpectedly taking a second out of these busy days to reflect on what truly matters and thinking about all of the people I love oh so dearly. People in this world make everything worth it. Individuals that believe, inspire, encourage, love, and laugh amongst us. We should all take out any negativity in our lives by choosing to surround ourselves with family and friends, and even strangers, who support and love us for who we are, who we aspire to be.

This video by Soul Pancake is wonderful and full of love! Take a quick watch to start your weekend with the right, positive mindset.

Soul Pancake: A Recipe for Love-Man on the Street

"Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray" -Rumi 

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