Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Wander Woman

Sunday evening I attended a house event called, "Wander Woman." Three lovely ladies hosted a night focused around the idea of self-love and empowerment. The most adorable sister-duo band, Chasing Lovely, performed amazing original acoustic songs that we got to listen to as we munched on baked goods. SO talented! A few girls shared their writing and I got chills hearing some of the words flowing through the room. How brave and powerful it is to read something aloud you have written, maybe not with the original intent of sharing it to others.

Whatever you think of when you hear the word, "woman", what the past or "society" may have characterized this word as, let me just tell you it's changing. Women are....whoever the heck we choose to be. Young women know that it's okay to be ourselves, that's all we want to be, anyways. Drop the labels, the stereotypes, the judgements. Let each and every one of us live the life we want for ourselves. We can be truly who we are and accepted for it today.
There was a mirror where you could write a word that described something you are as you entered. It read, "I am...". The words that girls wrote on the mirror included: beautiful, enough, worthy, strong, brave.
That's what you need to know you are. The rest of you is up to you, and nobody else.

Who knew there are girls who loved reading, writing and drinking tea as much as I do. Feeling pretty happy to have attended this event surrounded by new faces, all gathered for the same reason. It's a breath of fresh air that our generation has such intelligent and beautiful young adults who are daring to be themselves, daring to change the world.
The rain poured down as I drove home and an overwhelming sense of inspiration and bliss lingered with me.

"A girl should be two things: who and what she wants." -Coco Chanel

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