Saturday, June 20, 2015

Books for the Soul

Summer means extra time to read those books you've been wanting to. Today's book recommendations are those that are good for the soul! These three books left me with a lasting impression and a deeper meaning about life. Purpose, love, and wisdom are a few of the themes throughout each of these books. I truly feel that each of these books have powerful messages. The first two I finished within a day or two, but the third book is more of a difficult read. Open your mind, experience a different viewpoint or perspective through words and pages.
The Alchemist: Paul Coelho 
The Four Agreements: Don Miguel Ruiz 
Kindness, Clarity, and Insight: The Dalai Lama/Jeffrey Hopkins

Any other recommendations for books that are good for the soul? I'd love to know!
"When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it." -Paul Coelho

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